
Paper vs Mobile Forms: The Unbelievable Hidden Cost of Paper


Paper vs Mobile Forms: The Unbelievable Hidden Cost of Paper

Cam Garrant

Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching!

Hear that noise?

That’s the sound of hundreds, or more probably, thousands of dollars that your business is throwing away every year on paper forms. For small businesses and entrepreneurs who are running a tight-ship, that is a whole lot of money. Field organizations usually go through many forms each day, going from client to client and meticulously writing down every detail about the transaction or..

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3 Min Read
4 Fantastic Ways To Measure Mobile Employee Performance


4 Fantastic Ways To Measure Mobile Employee Performance

Cam Garrant

When team leaders are not with their field teams, it can be difficult to measure certain aspects of work performance. Metrics such as customer engagement and territory coverage are important to..

2 Min Read
Business Value of Cloud Computing


Business Value of Cloud Computing

Matthew Derman

There's a lot of talk about cloud computing nowadays, and how valuable it can be for personal and professional activities alike. But do we all really understand how cloud computing works and, even if..

2 Min Read
How Much Data do Your Reps Really Need?


How Much Data do Your Reps Really Need?

Matthew Brogie

Reps need to know the basics... Who their customers are, how to get there and enough in information about your products to sell or merchandise them effectively... There is not much argument about..

2 Min Read
Are You Ready for Sales Force Automation?


Are You Ready for Sales Force Automation?

Matthew Brogie

If you have a sales force, then you are undoubtedly ready for Sales Force Automation (or SFA as it is commonly referred to). Last month I tried to answer the question "What is Sales Force..

3 Min Read
Keys to Lowering Your Risk When Implementing Field Automation


Keys to Lowering Your Risk When Implementing Field Automation

Matthew Brogie

Field Sales and Marketing organizations can gain clear and unmistakable benefits from implementing field automation solutions. This is an undeniable fact: Filling paper forms, emailing spreadsheets..

2 Min Read
What is Sales Force Automation (SFA)?


What is Sales Force Automation (SFA)?

Matthew Brogie

According to Webopedia, Sales Force Automation, or SFA, is "a technique of using software to automate the business tasks of sales". This is a very succinct definition and probably doesn't tell us..

3 Min Read
5 Ways Social Media Monitoring Can Improve ROI in Lead Generation


5 Ways Social Media Monitoring Can Improve ROI in Lead Generation

Frank Brogie

We have already identified some best practices for social media marketing, and now that your merchandising company has established itself in the world of social media it is time to turn this position..

2 Min Read
3 Mobile Innovations That Have Exploded Field Worker Productivity


3 Mobile Innovations That Have Exploded Field Worker Productivity

Frank Brogie

"Road Warriors" are always at the leading edge of technology, looking for ways to get things done with smaller, lighter, faster mobile solutions. They were the first Palm Pilot users, the first to..

1 Min Read
Important BYOD Trends to Watch in 2013


Important BYOD Trends to Watch in 2013

Jenna Hannon

The "bring your own device" or BYOD trend has really heated up in 2013. With more businesses looking to create a mobile workforce, it is almost come to be expected that employees use their own..

2 Min Read
Mobile & Cloud: Fighting the Efficiency Paradox


Mobile & Cloud: Fighting the Efficiency Paradox

Jenna Hannon

Nancy Nardin of Smart Selling Tools recounts the technological changes that have revolutionized how we sell and business as we know it in The Evolution of Sales Tools and the Efficiency Paradox. She..

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