Transparency and Communication Drive Performance of Field Teams


Transparency and Communication Drive Performance of Field Teams

Matthew Brogie

In order for any field organization to become more effective, it has to embrace the concept of transparency. Transparency drives field sales, marketing and merchandising organizations to more closely adhere to the principles of communication, focus, and accountability, three crucial features of agile field organizations.

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2 Min Read
Top Strategies for Creating Agile Field Teams

Team Building

Top Strategies for Creating Agile Field Teams

Matthew Brogie

Moore's Law says that computing power doubles every two years. While this is not an actual law of physics or nature, but rather more of an observation of the rate of advancement of technology,..

2 Min Read
How Much Data do Your Reps Really Need?


How Much Data do Your Reps Really Need?

Matthew Brogie

Reps need to know the basics... Who their customers are, how to get there and enough in information about your products to sell or merchandise them effectively... There is not much argument about..

2 Min Read
Driving Efficiency in Retail Merchandising Organizations

Driving Efficiency in Retail Merchandising Organizations

Matthew Brogie

It doesn't take an Ivy League MBA to recognize that a field organization can perform better, and contribute more to the corporate goals if it can become more efficient, but what is the best way for..

4 Min Read
10 Best Uses for Mobile in Retail Merchandising

CPG Tools & Tech

10 Best Uses for Mobile in Retail Merchandising

Matthew Brogie

We have written quite a bit in recent months about the use of Mobile Technologies for Field Sales and Retail Merchandising, everything from tracking reps to taking photos and capturing competitive..

2 Min Read
Are You Ready for Sales Force Automation?


Are You Ready for Sales Force Automation?

Matthew Brogie

If you have a sales force, then you are undoubtedly ready for Sales Force Automation (or SFA as it is commonly referred to). Last month I tried to answer the question "What is Sales Force..

2 Min Read
Avoiding Common Mistakes in Managing Retail Execution Teams

CPG Team Management

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Managing Retail Execution Teams

Matthew Brogie

We've written quite a bit in recent months about Retail Execution and Workforce Management, with a focus on best practices to win at retail. Today we're going to highlight some of the common mistakes..

3 Min Read
NFC - The New Trend in Retail Merchandising

NFC - The New Trend in Retail Merchandising

Reese Jones

The Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technological innovation which is increasingly becoming popular in today's mobile market. Basically, the technology enables mobile-to-mobile communication..

3 Min Read
Keys to Lowering Your Risk When Implementing Field Automation


Keys to Lowering Your Risk When Implementing Field Automation

Matthew Brogie

Field Sales and Marketing organizations can gain clear and unmistakable benefits from implementing field automation solutions. This is an undeniable fact: Filling paper forms, emailing spreadsheets..

2 Min Read
What is Sales Force Automation (SFA)?


What is Sales Force Automation (SFA)?

Matthew Brogie

According to Webopedia, Sales Force Automation, or SFA, is "a technique of using software to automate the business tasks of sales". This is a very succinct definition and probably doesn't tell us..

1 Min Read
Do You Really Want to Know Where Your Reps Are?


Do You Really Want to Know Where Your Reps Are?

Matthew Brogie

With the proliferation of SmartPhones and all of the technology that they encompass, there is almost nothing that goes undocumented about what a person does anymore. Reps might not be tweeting about..

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