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13 Min Read
5 Science-Backed Pricing Strategies to Outsell Your Competitors

Insights and Studies

5 Science-Backed Pricing Strategies to Outsell Your Competitors

Melissa Sonntag

Let's be real: Developing a pricing strategy is a major pain in the you-know-what.

The truth is, pricing a product is not just a matter of finding a magic number; it is a matter of understanding..

4 Min Read
How to Build Lean, Profitable Sales Territories [Video]

CPG Team Management

How to Build Lean, Profitable Sales Territories [Video]

Frank Brogie

Growing your brand locally can be exciting. There are plenty of opportunities to get local press, you get to collaborate with other local brands and retailers - but best of all, it’s all happening in..

9 Min Read
How to Analyze Your Competitive Landscape And Sell More [Video]

Insights and Studies

How to Analyze Your Competitive Landscape And Sell More [Video]

Sarah Mooney

Competition can be tiring and downright frustrating, but it’s a given in the food and bev retail hustle. Now, you aren’t going let that slow you down, are you? Nope, didn’t think so. Instead, use the..

15 Min Read
How 74% of Brands Use Their Competitors to Sell More & Grow Faster

How 74% of Brands Use Their Competitors to Sell More & Grow Faster

Elise Renner

Imagine a room full of 100 shiny, new food and bev brands. If you were to revisit this room in just two years, only 15 would be left standing. With so many companies competing for a spot on the shelf..

8 Min Read
Win More Shelf Space Using a Retail Competitive Analysis [Free Toolkit]

CPG Tools & Tech

Win More Shelf Space Using a Retail Competitive Analysis [Free Toolkit]

Victoria Vessella

Competition is inevitable in any industry, and it’s only getting more fierce. For brands concerned about the impact competitors will have on sales, it’s important to keep a finger on the pulse of the..

11 Min Read
The Ultimate Guide to Effective Merchandising Displays


The Ultimate Guide to Effective Merchandising Displays

Frank Brogie

Successful merchandising is the driving factor behind sales. But how much does each component of merchandising impact your sales growth and in what way? By evaluating your field reps’ performance..

9 Min Read
The 4 Key Principles of Successful Retail Marketing


The 4 Key Principles of Successful Retail Marketing

Elise Renner

What is retail marketing?

Retail marketing is the process of bringing a product directly to customers in a retail store. It involves the planning, promotion, and presentation of a product. Having a..

6 Min Read
Exceptional End Caps: Ideas for Your 2017 Year-End Planning

Exceptional End Caps: Ideas for Your 2017 Year-End Planning

Victoria Vessella

It’s hard to believe that 2017 is already half-over. While the first six months of the year are filled with seasonal upticks in the retail world, nothing quite compares to the end-of-year holiday..

1 Min Read
The Perfect Playlist For Your Day in The Field [#MondayMotivation]

Team Building

The Perfect Playlist For Your Day in The Field [#MondayMotivation]

Melissa Sonntag

Picture this: There you are, at the start of the workday, walking out to your car to begin your shift in the field. As you mentally recite the list of the visits you’ll be making today, the warm..

5 Min Read
7 Field Team Management Lessons from Game of Thrones

Field Marketing

7 Field Team Management Lessons from Game of Thrones

Sarah Mooney

Okay. It sounds like a stretch, but stick with me.

The seventh season of Game of Thrones premiered on Sunday, July 16th, on HBO.

In preparation, the Repsly team rewatched last season, shared..

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